Our Story:
Our Story: We have first hand experience with the importance of nutrition. Mark's wife Becky has a long history of battling cancer and the long term negative side effects, starting with two rounds of Hodgkin's Disease in 1992 and 1996. She received all three of the typical treatments for cancer: surgery, radiation and chemo therapy. Twenty years later she joined the growing group of people with treatment side effects and developed chronic heart failure (her heart functions at between 20% and 35% capacity) and experienced a third round of cancer in 2011 (Follicular Lymphoma, a 'side effect' cancer) which required more radiation. We have taken NeoLife nutritionals since the first diagnosis of cancer back in 1992. Survival rate for Hodgkin’s patients is about 80% alive after the first five years. But that number drops closer to 15% alive after twenty five years if there was a second malignancy and you develop the common side effects for the heart and other major organs as Becky did. Becky is doing well after 30 years and closer to the 5% group of survivors. We have followed the medical pros' advice and she is taking the meds they have learned are helpful, but we also very much credit the nutritional boost from NeoLife as a major factor in her ability to stay strong.
Most recent chapter is a heart transplant on Nov 7/2022 when it was clear the old heart was at an end. One year out and no rejection. The new heart is providing increased blood flow to the other still-compromised main organs which should help their shelf life and functionality.
Nutrition is one of the three key pieces addressed in the health and wellness workshops Mark leads. We are designed to eat well. What we eat makes a difference. Good things happen when we do. Bad things happen when we don't.
We all want to do the best we can. The challenge we all face is getting proper nutrition from our current food supply system:
Varieties raised for transport and shelf life rather than taste and nutrition;
Production methods with synthetic fertilizers and weed killers;
Distance from source which means nutrients left behind in the soil and lost over time in transport;
Processing and packaging, and more...
Our current "health care system" is challenged with ever increasing levels of chronic disease - many of which are preventable. Our strong encouragement is to give our bodies the best so we can God our best. We are convinced that for nutrition it means supplementation. Our bodies can do an amazing job of staying healthy when we realign to the design. When chronic disease or accidents compromise health in a major way, it is even more important to provide the best nutrition possible.
Contact us for more info. We'd welcome a conversation with you. No high pressure; just sharing our story and answering your questions.
KickStart2024 - 1. Intro and CEO. 2. Three Testimonies. 3. NeoFit90. 4. Member/Promoter.
5. Nutrition Science. 6. Healthy Habits. 7. Weight Loss Science. 8. Direct Selling. 9. Training.
Header image based on “Fruit” by NatalieMaynor. (CC By 2.0)