Helpful Links and Organizations.
A Book: CareSharing by Marty Richards. Encourages a reciprocal view of caregiving.
PDF - Faith Based Resources for Individuals and Congregations.
PDF - A two page brochure for the 7 video series resource on: “My Own Home As Long As Possible; Critical Decisions Late In Life”
A Book: Being Mortal by Atul Gawande. A very helpful look at medical decisions that come at the end, and how to better prepare to make decisions you want. Written by a medical pro, but for all of us regular folks who have a hard time talking about decisions ahead of time.
A Book: Spark - the brain research on exercise. Spark Chapter headings show the wide ranging impact on our health: 1. The impact on learning and behavior in schools; 2. A layman's look at the chemistry happening in the brain; 3. Stress; 4. Anxiety; 5. Depression; 6. Attention Deficit; 7. Addiction; 8. Hormonal Changes; and 9. Aging.
Five Wishes - Help with advance care planning.
Five Key Criteria - Nutrition has been such an important part of Becky's ability to survive so long. Nutritional Supplements have been a big part of that. This is a look at 5 key criteria to think about when deciding on what supplements to take.
NeoLifeBlog - a series of helpful posts on health and wellness related topics.
NeoLifeUniversity - A series of free courses exploring how our bodies work in several key areas including digestion, weight management and joint health.
Our NeoLife Home Page.
Grace Place Wellness - Church worker health through retreats for church workers, remote locations and at the local congregation.
Church Health Center - located in Memphis, TN; an excellent resource for connecting the church and health related ministries.
Header image based on “resting” by Liber the poet. (CC BY-SA 2.0)