7 Video Series - My Own Home As Long As Possible. "Critical Decisions Late in Life"
Video #1 available for free. A case study on decision delay; three main ways plans get derailed; Falls - "plan interrupter number one". You can check out a 4 minute trailer for the full series, or a 4 minute trailer that says a bit more about each of the seven segments.
Discussion Guide for all 7 videos. PDF Version. PPT Version.
Brochure to share with others.
Check out and Purchase Video #2 thru #7 for more practical information on important decisions made late in life. (Scroll down for two short trailers that describe this series.)
Video #1: “Need For a Plan; Falls - Makes the case for a well thought out and executable plan to counteract the three main plan distrupters, with a case study of an ‘almost disaster’. The second half explores the major consequences of falls on older adults.
Video #2: "How Will I Know" - ADL and IADL - tools to help you plan for staying in your home as long as possible, and a way to evaluate when you may not be able to stay. And CareSharing as a model for reciprocal care at the end.
Video #3: "Beating the Odds: Exercise and the Brain" - Resources on the incredible power of exercise for long term health and avoiding the second main plan de-railer - health catastrophe. One of the two simplest ways to keep your plans on track.
Video #4: "Beating the Odds: Nutrition and the Brain" - Resources on the incredible power of strong nutrition for long term health and avoiding the second main plan de-railer - health catastrophe. One of the two simplest ways to keep your plans on track.
Video #5: "Beating the Odds: The Brain and Memory Care" - Number one fear for many people is some form of dementia: a huge plan de-railer. Explore proven prevention alternatives from leading experts.
Video #6: "Aging In Place" - Resources that can help make staying in your home possible for longer. And resources when you want or need alternatives.
Video #7: "Critical Medical Decisions at the End" - With the help of the book "Being Mortal", you'll explore key topics to help you make the best decisions in difficult circumstances. Check out a study guide for the book here.
Check out a longer list of testimonies.
““The workshop was fascinating and very helpful in evaluating not only how we live our lives and care for our bodies (and brains), but also how to intentionally plan education and worship experiences.””